Lenders generally want to see that your income is stable, and likely to continue into the future. Below are generally the minimum requirements based on your employment status, but there can be exceptions to the rule on occasion and I would recommend you get in touch to discuss your circumstances.
- Employed Permanent (Full & Part-Time): 1 month in current role, and ideally out of probation.
- Employed Temporary Contract: At least 6 months remaining, a history of 1 to 2 years of temporary work in the same industry, or your next temporary contract lined up.
- Employed Zero-Hours Contract: 12 Months history with the same or different employers but in the same industry. Exceptions can be considered if switching from employed to zero-hours with the same employer/industry (ie NHS to Locum)
- Self-Employed/Company Director: 2 Years Accounts (Sometimes 1 year of accounts can be considered)
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